Back in March, I received a very nice email from a musician in Texas. He was inquiring to see if his band, The Octopus Project, could use my font Razorblade on their band's upcoming album artwork. After a couple logistical emails, I sent off the files.
Yesterday, I received a delightfully peculiar package in the mail (pictured above and below). What could this be...?

To my surprise, it was a care package from The Octopus Project, with a whole bunch of awesome Razorblade-flavoured materials, including:

handbill-sized postcards,

some wicked posters,

and the actual EP of their new album, Fever Forms.

And to top it all off, the record is electric orange!

A huge thanks to Josh and The Octopus Project for this wicked-fun collaboration, and for the generous credit on the album.
If experimental indie pop music tickles your fancy, be sure to check out their site here.