On Friday, May 15, I joined master calligrapher Xandra Zamora at the Type Directors Club in New York City to teach a Pointed Pen workshop for Type Camp. This was my second time visiting NYC and my first time at the TDC office – it was the perfect space to inspire young typographers and letterers, surrounded by vintage comic book designs and case of type.

We were greeted by executive director Carol Wahler, who helped us get the space set up and made sure we had everything we needed for the workshop. She generously set up a coffee station so that we had fuel for the day.
While Xandra beautified each Type Campers sketchbook, I prepared the supply kits, which included handouts, pens, nibs & walnut ink crystals. Participants arrived on time (thank you!) and we began the workshop just after 10:00am.

Xandra and I welcomed the group to Type Camp with our personal introductions, and then we got to meet each of the participants with Type Camp's infamous Name Game; within a few minutes, we all knew each other's names, backgrounds, and were ready to start the workshop.
The day began with a series of exercises related to lettering stroke – pressure & release. Xandra offered her expert knowledge to the class and presented a series of top-notch demos so that each participant felt comfortable with the new techniques. We were available all day to offer one-on-one tips to each camper, and answer any questions that arose.

We took a quick lunch break (yummy Thai food!) and then reconvened to get into pen & ink work. With Xandra's guidance through basic lower case letterforms and the more sophisticated upper case characters, each camper practiced their pointed pen and found their personal style.

Here's a look at Xandra's personal collection of pointed pens. So beautiful!

As the workshop progress, campers made impressive progress in consistency and form. It's amazing what seven hours of practice can do!

And here is a group shot of Xandra, myself, and the proud pointed pen participants of Type Camp NYC 2015.

A huge thanks to Carol at the TDC for her kindness and hospitality. Thank you and congratulations to all of the campers for being so attentive, receptive & enthusiastic. It was a pleasure with working with such an amazing group.
And thanks to Shelley for this amazing opportunity!