This morning, I participated in the Sporting Life 10K Run in Toronto which raises money for Camp Oochigeas, a camp for children with cancer. The run was amazing! Here are some digits to ponder:
5:45 - the time I set my alarm so I could get to the starting line on time.
22,000 - the number of people who participated in the run this year (a new record!)
10 - the number of kilometres we ran, from Eglington to Fort York (6.21 miles for our non-metric friends)
1:04:35 - my final run time, with zero stops.
420 - the number of dollars I was able to raise. People's generosity never ceases to amaze me.
A HUGE thank you those who offered kinds words of encouragement.. Without your support, I would have never been able to do this.
p.s. To my mom and all the moms out there - Happy Mother's Day!