Today marks five years (!) since I signed up for Blogger and started this little blog.
I had just graduated from university and wanted a place to post my portfolio. It's amazing what can happen in five years.
We’re People for Good. And our goal is to make the world a better place, one good deed at a time. It may sound ambitious but it’s easier than you’d think. In fact, you could help make the world a better place right now. Just by doing something nice for someone. Rest assured, we’re not asking for money, we just want you to donate a little generosity.They have also started compiling a list of good ideas for good deeds that include:
1. Mow your neighbour's lawn2. Instead of an email, send a handwritten note.3. Call your mother4. Bring home flowers.5. Make cookies for your neighbours6. Do a chore, even if it's not your turn.7. Give up the remote8. Make breakfast for the household9. Go say hello to your neighbour.10. Shovel an elderly person's driveway.