Turkish Coffee

For some reason, it's been kind of a coffee week on the blog. So I thought I'd round out the week and show how to make one of my favourite caffeinated beverages, Turkish coffee. After trying Türk kahvesi for the first time on my recent trip to Istanbul, it has become my new morning staple. Besides the fact that I reminisce about my trip every time I sip it, I absolutely love the rich, sweet flavour, and find that it doesn't give me the jitters that espresso or drip coffee can give me. Plus, it's so easy, fast, and comes in a nice, small portion.

Read the full recipe after the jump.

Starbucks type

Starbucks opened a new store at the corner of Church and Gerrard in Toronto.
Behind this bland, unassuming facade, I never expected to see what I did. Superb, hand-painted lettering on raw, exposed brick, cropped by windows - giving the impression that these murals had been there all along. These, in conjunction with antique furniture sourced from local emporiums and tin ceiling tiles give this store amazing character. Is Starbucks getting back to their community roots? Thumbs up!
Espresso - Helvetica Condensed Black Oblique?
Macchiato, in Magneto Bold
Coffee, in Brush Script


Stumbled upon Rufino Espresso this weekend - how much do I love their branding?!

Creative type

I attended the opening of Creative Type 3 last Thursday evening. From their site:
Creative Type is an annual Typography exhibition that provides a means to expose some of Toronto’s best typographic artists and designers who demonstrate a comprehensive view on creative typography.
Some really promising work on display - worth checking out!
Palmerston Cafe and Gallery
800 Dundas St West, Toronto

Mighty fine type

Superb type treatments in AnOtherMan Magazine, using their custom typeface Ano, which boasts 54 different styles (view them all here)
Via Fonts in Use (one of my new favourite resources!)

Gaga fail?

Artwork for "Born This Way" album. Has Lady Gaga jumped the shark?

Richard III

If you're Calgary, be sure to check out The Shakespeare Company's production of Richard III.
Tickets available through their site.

"What good have I done today?"

Benjamin Franklin's schedule


Program covers designed by Pentagram’s Michael Bierut, using quotes by Massimo Vignelli.


This is a wordmark I created for my friend Chelsey's new website, 32blades, an online forum for synchronized skating. Her mandate: "To share information. To share experiences. To share insight into sometimes cryptic rules and communications, from an official’s perspective. To share ideas. To share memories. To share a love of the sport."

Loot from Grandma

My Grandma is amazing. And very generous. Last week, she sent me home with these 2 gems.
The first her old Polaroid camera (circa 1983?), which just needs film and some new batteries. My talented friend Myles recommended I buy some film from the Impossible Project - I will probably be ordering some this week. But what will I take pictures of...?

And these antique recipe cards (circa 1967) are unbelievable. We're talking 30 stunningly retro recipes (aspics and all) in 30 different categories - that's 900 (!) cards. I have no idea what I am going to do with these - wallpaper my kitchen? Archive them online so everyone can enjoy them? Regardless, I am in vintage heaven. (These cards may look familiar - my friend Frances coincidentally gave me two of them for Christmas this year. Now I have the whole set!)

Thank you Grandma!

Big day

My first poster on the streets of Toronto, just outside of MuchMusic. So exciting!

Grandma's house, 2011

Shakespeare Toronto

I was recently asked to create an identity, season design and web graphics for Shakespeare Toronto, a new series of evening performances presented by Classical Theatre Project aimed at bringing the dynamic world of Shakespeare to Toronto. After weeks of tweaking and polishing, here are the final results:

If you're in Toronto, watch for posters around the city, and be sure to check out the first show, Macbeth, on April 8th - tickets available on their new website (great job Bri!)
Much thanks to Peter M. for the referral, and to the entire CTP team for their general awesomeness!