My Grandma is amazing. And very generous. Last week, she sent me home with these 2 gems.
The first her old Polaroid camera (circa 1983?), which just needs film and some new batteries. My talented friend Myles recommended I buy some film from the Impossible Project - I will probably be ordering some this week. But what will I take pictures of...?

And these antique recipe cards (circa 1967) are unbelievable. We're talking 30 stunningly retro recipes (aspics and all) in 30 different categories - that's 900 (!) cards. I have no idea what I am going to do with these - wallpaper my kitchen? Archive them online so everyone can enjoy them? Regardless, I am in vintage heaven. (These cards may look familiar - my friend Frances coincidentally gave me two of them for Christmas this year. Now I have the whole set!)

Thank you Grandma!