40 years later...

The 40th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots

My first heat alert...

Just trying to stay cool...

One year ago...

I said goodbye to the West:

and hello to the East:

Some things never change.

Chomp chomp chomp chomp

A new vegan treat for the kitties.

Just another manic Sunday

Espresso at Manic Coffee
426 College St., Toronto

Sunny squares

Grafitti on Queen St. West

Kitty carpet bliss

The one and only

Espresso at The Only Cafe
972 Danforth Ave., Toronto

Type everywhere!

Alphabet Truck by Eric Tabuchi

Type the Sky by Lisa Rienermann

Google Typography by Rhett Dashwood

Sunny Saturdays

I love my Grandma.

When poetry meets the stage

A Poe Cabaret: A Dream Within a Dream
Buddies in Bad Times Theatre
part of Luminato 2009

Zen kitteh.

Milo's favourite sleeping spot.

Happy Birthday Marilyn

Marilyn Monroe (1926–1962)

Hello T.O!
