I'm happy to announce a new project called Alphabet 100. I designed this sheet to help me organize my ideas (based on this exercise from my art school days). Every week, I will print out this template, choose one glyph, and create 100 rough sketches. From there, I will place the best / coolest / most interesting solution in the top corner, and then render it in Illustrator. My plan is to post the roughs and final version on the new blog every Wednesday. I should be able to cover all 52 glyphs (26 upper case, 26 lower case) in the 52 weeks of 2012 (fingers crossed!)
Let me introduce the first letter: capital A!

And, the final refined vector drawing:

Please subscribe to the new blog if you'd like to follow the progress.
And if you'd like to try it yourself, please download and print the free template here.
Let the fun begin!